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Showing products 1 to 96 of 114
Antigua 1986 Appearance of Halley's Comet Set Fine Mint

Appearance of Halley's Comet Set of 4 Values Mint

Ascension Island 1966 Apollo Communication Satellite SG 100 Fine Used

Apollo Communication Satellite 8d Values Fine Used

Ascension Island 1966 Apollo Communication Satellite SG 101 Fine Used

Apollo Communication Satellite 1/3 Value Fine Used

Ascension Island 1966 Apollo Communication Satellite SG 102 Fine Used

Apollo Communication Satellite 2/6 Value Fine Used

Ascension Island 1966 Apollo Communication Satellite SG 99 Fine Mint

Apollo Communication Satellite 4d Value Fine Mint

Australia 2009 Classic Toys SAL Set Fine Used

Classic Toys SAL Set of 5 Values Used

Australia 2009 Corrugated Landscapes SAL Set Fine Used

Corrugated Landscapes Set of 4 Values Used

Bahamas 1981 Space Exploration SG MS 585 Fine Mint

Space Exploration Miniature Sheet Value Mint

Barbados 1979 Space Projects SG 642 Fine Mint

Space Projects 28c Value Fine Mint

Barbados 1979 Space Projects SG 642 Fine Used

Space Projects 28c Value Fine Used

Barbados 1979 Space Projects SG 644 Fine Used

Space Projects 50c Value Fine Used

Barbados 1985 Intelsat Satellite System Fine Used

Intelsat Satellite System 75c Value Fine Used

Canada 1966 Launching of Canadian Satellite Fine Mint

Launching of Canadian Satellite 5c Value Fine Mint

Canada 1966 Launching of Canadian Satellite Fine Mint Block of 4

Launching of Canadian Satellite 5c Value Fine Mint Block of 4

Cook Islands 1983 World Communications Year SG  927 Fine Mint

World Communications Year 36c Value Fine Used

Cyprus 1986 Anniversaries and Events Set Fine Mint

Protection of Nature and the Environment Set of 2 Values Mint

Cyprus 1986 Anniversaries and Events SG 687 Fine Used

Halley's Comet over Cyprus beach 18c Value Used

Dominica 1976 Viking Space Mission SG 533 Fine Mint

Viking Space Mission 1/2c Value Mint

Egypt 1962 Launching of UAR Rocket Fine Mint

Independence of Algeria 10m Value Fine Mint

Fiji 1999 Christmas SG 1069 Fine Used

Christmas 31c Value Fine Used

Gambia 1979 Moon Landing Set Fine Mint

Moon Landing Set of 3 Values Mint

Ghana 1967 Peaceful Use of Outer Space SG479  Fine Used

Peaceful Use of Outer Space 4n Value Fine Used

Gibraltar 1979 Europa Set Fine Mint

Europa Set of 3 Values Fine Mint

Great Britain 1990 Astronomy SG 1522 Fine Used

Armagh Observatory, Jodrell Bank Radio Telescope and La Palma Telescope 22p Value Fine Used

Great Britain 1991 Europe in Space SG 1560 Fine Used

Europe in Space 22 p Value Fine Used

Grenada 1976 Viking and Helios Space Missions SG 825 Fine Mint

Viking and Helios Space Missions 1/2c Value Fine Mint

Grenada 1976 Viking and Helios Space Missions SG 826 Fine Mint

Viking and Helios Space Missions 1c Value Fine Mint

Grenada 1976 Viking and Helios Space Missions SG 827 Fine Mint

Viking and Helios Space Missions 2c Value Fine Mint

Grenada 1976 Viking and Helios Space Missions SG 831 Fine Used

Viking and Helios Space Missions $2 Value Fine Used

Grenada 1978 Space Shuttle SG 915 Fine Mint

Space Shuttle Set of 6 Values Fine Mint

Grenada 1978 Space Shuttle SG 916 Fine Mint

Space Shuttle 1c Value Fine Mint

Grenada 1978 Space Shuttle SG 917 Fine Mint

Space Shuttle 2c Value Fine Mint

Grenada 1978 Space Shuttle SG 917 Fine Mint Block of 4

Space Shuttle 2c Value Fine Mint Block of 4

Guyana 1989 Various stamps surch. SG 2638 Fine Used

Morpho rhetenor $7.65 on 40c Value Used

Hong Kong 1986 Halley's Comet SG 508 Fine Used

Halley's Comet $1.30 value Value Fine Used

Hong Kong 1986 Halley's Comet SG 509 Fine Used

Halley's Comet $1.70 Value Fine Used

India 1972 Arvi Satellite Earth Station SG 655 Fine Mint

Arvi Satellite Earth Station 20np Value Fine Mint

India 1972 Arvi Satellite Earth Station SG 655 Fine Used

Arvi Satellite Earth Station 20np Value Fine Used

India 1975 Launch of First Indian Satellite SG 762  Fine Mint

Launch of First Indian Satellite 25np Fine Mint

India 1975 Launch of First Indian Satellite SG 762  Fine Used

Launch of First Indian Satellite 25np Fine Used

India 1981 Launch of SLV 3 Rocket with Rohini Satellite SG 1011 Fine Mint

Launch of SLV 3 and Diagram of Rohi R1 Value Fine Mint

India 1982 Anniversary of Apple Satellite Launch SG 1047 Fine Used

Anniversary of Apple Satellite Launch R2 Value Fine Used

India 1985 General Assembly of International Astronomical Union SG 1169 Fine Mint

General Assembly of International Astronomical Union R1 Value Fine Mint

India 2000 India's Space Programme Pair Fine Mint

India's Space Programme R3 Pair Fine Mint

India 2000 India's Space Programme SG 1951 Fine Mint

India's Space Programme R3 Value Fine Mint

India 2000 India's Space Programme SG 1952 Fine Mint

India's Space Programme R3 Value Fine Mint

India 2001 40th Anniversary of Man's First Space Flight SG 1996 Fine Mint

40th Anniversary of Man's First Space Flight R15 Value Fine Mint

Kenya 1981 Satellite Communications SG 198 Fine Used

Satellite Communications 2/-c Value Used

Kenya 1981 Satellite Communications SG 199 Fine Used

Satellite Communications 3/-c Value Used

Kenya 1983 World Communications Year SG 283 Fine Used

World Communications Year 5 /- Value Used

Maldive Islands 1965 International Quiet Sun Years Set Fine Mint

International Quiet Sun Years Set of 4 Values Fine Mint

Maldive Islands 1969 1st Man on the Moon Set Fine Mint

First Man on the Moon 6l Value Fine Mint

Maldive Islands 1969 1st Man on the Moon SG 308 Fine Mint

First Man on the Moon R2.50 Value Fine Mint

Maldive Islands 1974 Nicholas Copernicu SG 491 Fine Mint

opernicus and Skylab Space Laboratory 1l Value Fine Mint

Maldive Islands 1974 Nicholas Copernicu SG 493 Fine Mint

Orbital space-station of the future 3l Value Fine Mint

Maldive Islands 1974 World Meteorological Organization SG 478 Fine Mint

Scanner, A.P.T. Instant Weather Picture equipment 4l Value Fine Mint

Space Travel and The Cosmos on Stamps

Number of items for sale in this section: 114