South Georgia + Sandwich Islands
6d. value Fine Mint
Full MNH Set of 16. Values Fine Mint
Sperm whale 2d. Value Fine Mint
King Penguins and Bearded Penguin 2 1/2d. Value Fine Mint
South American Fur Seal 3d. Value Fine Mint
Fin Whale 4d. Value Fine Mint
Southern Elephant Seal 5 1/2d. Value Fine Mint
Whale catcher 9d. Value Fine Mint
Whale catcher 9d. Value Fine Mint
Shackleton's Cross 2/- Value Fine Mint
Wandering Albatros 2/6 Value Fine Mint
Southern Elephant Seal and South American Fur Seal 5/- Value Fine Mint
Plankton and krill 10/- Value Fine Mint
Blue Whale £1 Value Fine Mint
Decimal Surcharge 10p Value Fine Mint
Wandering Albatross 15p 0n 2/6 Value Fine Mint
Elephant and Fur Seal 25p 0n 5/- Value Fine Mint
Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip Set of 2 Values Mint
Churchill Set of 2 Values Fine Mint Block fo 4
Lloyd's of London Set of 4 Values Fine Mint
Queen Mother 90th Birthday Set
Queen Mother Set of 4 Values Fine Mint
Queen Mother Miniature Sheet Fine Mint
Queen Mothers Commemoration Miniature Sheet Fine Mint
18th Birthday of Prince William Set of 4 Values Fine Mint
Queen Mothers Commemoration Set of 4 Values Fine Mint
Stamps of South Georgia
Number of items for sale in this section: 30