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Postage Stamp Books Booklets and Panes

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Showing products 1 to 96 of 107
Canada 1968 Booklet SB 62 Fine Mint

Narwhal 5c Value Fine Mint

Great Britain 1989 Greetings Booklet SG FY1 Fine Mint

Booklet with 10 19p stamps Fine Mint

Great Britain 1990 Smiles Booklet SG KX1 Fine Mint

Booklet with 10 20p stamps + 12 Greetings Labels

Great Britain 1997 Flower Paintings Booklet SG KX2 Fine Mint

Booklet with 10 1st Class stamps + 20 Greetings Labels

Guernsey 1985 French Halles Booklet SB 29 Fine Mint

French Halles £1.20 Value Fine Mint

Guernsey 1985 Market Halls Booklet SB 30 Fine Mint

Market Halls £1.30 Value Fine Mint

Guernsey 1987 Lukis Observatory Booklet SB 33 Fine Mint

Lukis Observatory £1.00 Value Fine Mint

Guernsey 1994 Iris 'Ideal'  Booklet SB 52 Fine Mint

Flowers Iris £1.12 Value Fine Mint

Guernsey 1998  Millennium Tapestries Booklet SB 63 Fine Mint

Millennium Tapestries £7.50 Value Fine Mint

Ireland 1985 Irish Architecture Booklet SG SB 28 Fine Mint

Booklet 4x 2c 4x 22c and 4 x 26c Values Fine Mint

Isle of Man 1979 Millennium of Tynwald Booklet Pane SG 150a Fine Mint

Millennium of Tynwald 3p.Booklet Pane of 4 High Values at top Fine Mint

Isle of Man 1979 Millennium of Tynwald Booklet Pane SG 150ab Fine Mint

Millennium of Tynwald 3p.Booklet Pane of 4 High Values in Center Fine Mint

Alderney 1994 Flora and Fauna Booklet SG ASB2 Fine Mint

Flora and Fawna £1.92 Booklet Fine Mint

Alderney 2001 Garrison Island Book #5 SB11 Fine Mint

Garrison Island Book # 11 Fine Mint

Alderney 2005 Battle of Trafalgar Book SB 15 Fine Mint

Battle of Trafalgar Booklet Values Fine Mint

Burma 1939 SERVICE King George VI SG O18 Fine Mint Block of 4

King George SERVICE VI 1a. Value Fine Mint Block of 4

Canada 1970  Centennial Booklet Fine Mint

Centennial Booklet 4 x 6c Fine Mint

Gibraltar 2000 New Millennium History of Gibraltar Booklet Fine Mint

New Millennium. History of Gibraltar Booklet Fine Mint

Guernsey 2006 Isambard Brunel Stamp Books SB 79 Fine Mint

Isambard Brunel £10.60 Books Values Fine Mint

Montserrat 1986 Royal Wedding Booklet 2 Fine Mint

Royal Wedding Prince Andrew Miss Ferguson Booklet Mint

Nevis 1986 Royal Wedding Booklet 1 Fine Mint

Royal Wedding Prince Andrew Miss Ferguson Booklet Mint

Rhodesia 1970 Stamp Booklet Fine Mint

Harvesting Wheat 1c. Value Fine Used

St Lucia 1986 Royal Wedding Booklet 2 Fine Mint

Royal Wedding set of 4 Values Fine Mint

St Vincent Grenadines  Bequia 1986 Royal Wedding Booklet 2 Fine Mint

Royal Wedding Prince Andrew Miss Ferguson Booklet Mint

St Vincent Grenadines 1986 Royal Wedding Booklet 1 Fine Mint

Royal Wedding Prince Andrew Miss Ferguson Booklet Mint

 Postage Stamps in Books Booklets and Panes

Number of items for sale in this section: 107

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