New Zealand King George V
King George V 2d Value Mint
King George V 2d Value Used
King George V 4d Value Used
King George V 4d Value Used
King George V 1/- Value Mint
King George V 1/- Value Used
King George V 1/2d. Value Fine Used
King George V 1/2d Value Used
King George V 1 1/2d Value Used
King George V 2d Value Mint
King George V 2d Value Used
King George V 2d Value Used
King George V 3d Value Mint
King George V 1/2d Value Mint
King George V 1/2d Value Used
King George V 1/2d Value Mint
King George V 1/2d Value Used
King George V 2d Value Used
War Tax 1/2d Value Used
Lion Surcharged 2d Value Used
Restoration of Penny Postage 1d Value Used
Help Promote Health 1 d Value Fine Mint
Smilling Boys Set of 2 Values Fine Used
Health Stamp 1d Value Fine Used
King George V and Queen Mary Set of 3 Values Fine Mint
King George V and Queen Mary Set of 3 Values Fine Used
Silver Jubilee 1/2d. Value Fine Mint
Harvesting 6d Value Fine Mint
Maori Panel 9d. Value Fine Mint
The Key to Health 1d Value Fine Used
Collared Grey Fantail 1/2d Value Mint
Health Camp 1d Value Fine Mint
Health Camp 1d Value Fine Used
Wellington Chamber of Commerce 1d value Block of 4
Postage Stamps of New Zealand 1912 - 1936
Number of items for sale in this section: 92