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Military on Stamps

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Showing products 1 to 96 of 222
1978 St Lucia Coronation 25th Anniversary Set Perf 14 Fine Mint

Ceremonial Dress Set of 4 Values Fine Mint Perf 14

Alderney 1985 Regiments of the Alderney Garrison Set Fine Mint

Regiments of the Alderney Garrison Set of 5 Values Fine Mint

Alderney 1986 Forts Set Fine Mint

Forts of Alderney Set of 4 Values Fine Mint

Alderney 1986 Forts Set Fine Used

Forts Set of 4 Values Fine Used

Alderney 1986 Forts SGA 23 Fine Used

Fort Grosnez 10p Value Fine Used

Antigua 1971 Military Uniforms SG 303 Fine Mint

Private, 12th Regiment, The Suffolk 1704 1/2c Values Value Fine Mint

Antigua 1971 Military Uniforms SG 303 Fine Used

Private, 12th Regiment 1/2c Value Mint

Antigua 1972 Military Uniforms Set Fine Mint

Miltary Uniforms Set of 5 Values Mint

Antigua 1973 Military Uniforms SG 353 Fine Mint

Private, Zachariah Tiffin's Regiment of Foot, 1701 1/2c Value Fine Mint

Ascension Islands 1987 Royal Ruby Wedding Set Fine Used

Ruby Wedding Set of 5 Values Fine Used

Australia 1935 King George V Silver Jubilee Set Fine Mint

King George V Mounted Set of 3 Values Fine Mint

Australia 1935 King George V Silver Jubilee Set Fine Used

King George V Mounted Set of 3 Values Fine Used

Australia 1985 Australian Military Uniforms Set Fine Used

Military Uniforms Set of 5 Values Fine Used

Australia 2010 Kokoda Set Fine Used

Kokoda Set of 4 Value Used

Australia 2010 Kokoda SG 3380 Fine Used

Soldiers on Trail 55c Value Fine Used

Australia 2010 Kokoda SG 3383 Fine Used

Trekker, guide and memorial 55c Value Used

Barbados 1993 English Cannon SG 1002 Fine Used

9 pdr demi-culverin of 1691, The Main Guard $1 Value Fine Used

Bermuda 1982 Bermuda Regiment Set Fine Mint

Bermuda Regiment Set of 6 Values Mint

Dominica 1976 American Revolution SG 508 Fine Mint

American Revolution 1/2c Value Mint

Gibraltar 1967 Ships Set Fine Mint

A Complete Never Hinged Set of Featureing Ships

Gibraltar 1969 Military Uniforms Set Fine Mint

Military Uniforms Set of 4 Values Fine Mint

Gibraltar 1969 Military Uniforms SG 240 Fine Mint

Royal Artillery Officer, 1758, and modern cap badge 1d Value Fine Mint

Gibraltar 1969 Military Uniforms SG 242 Fine Used

Royal Engineers' Artificer 9d Value Fine Used

Gibraltar 1971 Military Uniforms SG 293 Fine Mint

Devonshire and Dorset Regiment 10p Value Fine Mint

Gibraltar 1971 Military Uniforms SG 293 Fine Used

Military Uniforms 10p Value Fine Used

Gibraltar 1973 Military Uniforms Fine Mint

Military Uniforms Set of 4 Values Fine Mint

Gibraltar 1975 Military Uniforms Set Fine Mint

Military Uniforms Set of 4 Values Fine Mint

Gibraltar 1975 Military Uniforms Set Fine Used

Military Uniforms Set of 4 Values Fine Used

Gibraltar 1975 Military Uniforms SG 341 Fine Mint

Highland Light Infantry 6p Value Fine Mint

Gibraltar 1975 Military Uniforms SG 342 Fine Mint

Coldstream Guards 10p Values Fine Mint

Gibraltar 1975 Military Uniforms SG 343 Fine Mint

Gibraltar Regiment 20p Value Fine Mint

Gibraltar 1976 Military Uniforms Set Fine Used

Military Uniforms Set of 4 Values Fine Used

Gibraltar 1976 Military Uniforms SG 363 Fine Mint

Military Uniforms 1p Value Fine Mint

Gibraltar 1976 Military Uniforms SG 363 Fine Used

Military Uniforms 1p Value Fine Used

Gibraltar 1976 Military Uniforms SG 364 Fine Mint

Northamptonshire Regiment 6p Value Fine Mint

Gibraltar 1976 Military Uniforms SG 364 Fine Used

Northamptonshire Regiment 6p Value Fine Used

Gibraltar 1976 Military Uniforms SG 366 Fine Mint

Ordnance Corps 25p Value Fine Mint

Gibraltar 1982 Naval Crests Fine Mint

Naval Crests and Ships Set of 4 Values Fine Mint

Gibraltar 1984 Naval Crests Set Fine Mint

Naval Crests and Ships Set of 4 Values Mint

Gibraltar 1984 Naval Crests SG 513  Fine Mint

Naval Crests and Ships 29p Value Mint

Gibraltar 1985 Naval Crests Fine Mint

Naval Crests and Ships Set of 4 Values Mint

Gibraltar 1986 Naval Crests SG 541 Fine Used

Naval Crests and Ships 22p Value Used

Gibraltar 1989 Regiment Set Fine Mint

Regiment Set of 3 Values Mint

Great Britain 1983 British Army Uniforms Set Fine Used

British British Army Uniforms Set of 5 Values Fine Used

Great Britain 1983 British Army Uniforms SG 1218  Fine Used

British British Army Uniforms 16 p Value Fine Used

Grenada 1976  American Revolution SG 785 Fine Mint Block of 4

American Revolution 1/2c Value Fine Mint Block of 4

Grenada 1976  American Revolution SG 786 Fine Mint Block of 4

American Revolution 1c Value Fine Mint Block of 4

Grenada 2007 Concorde Pilots Tennant Pair Fine Mint

Concorde Pilots $2.00 Value Fine Mint

Guernsey 1974 Military Uniforms SG 102 Corporal, Royal Artillery Fine Mint

Corporal, Royal Guernsey Artillery 2 1/2d. Value Fine Mint

Guernsey 1974 Military Uniforms SG 102 Corporal, Royal Guernsey Artillery Fine Used

Corporal, Royal Guernsey Artillery 2 1/2d. Value Fine Used

Guernsey 1974 Military Uniforms SG 105a Field Officer The Royals Fine Used

Field Officer, Royal Guernsey Artillery 5p Value Fine Used

Military and Uniforms on Stamps

Number of items for sale in this section: 222