Mauritius King George VI
King George VI and Queen Elizabeth Set of 3 Values Fine Mint
Coronation Set of 3 Values Used
King George VI and Queen Elizabeth 5c Value Mint
Coronation 5c Value Used
Coronation 12c Value Used
King George VI and Queen Elizabeth 20c Value Mint
Coronation 20c Values Used
King George 2c Value Mint
King George 2c Value Used
King George 2c Value Used
King George 3c Value Mint
King George 3c Value Used
King George 3c Value Mint
King George 3c Value Used
King George 4c Value Mint
King George 4c Value Used
King George 5c Value Mint
King George 5c Value Used
King George 10c Value Mint
King George 10c Value Used
King George 10c Value Mint
King George 10c Value Used
King George 10c Value Mint
King George 10c Value Used
King George 12c Value Mint
King George 12c Value Used
King George 12c Value Used
King George 20c Value Mint
King George 20c Value Used
King George 25c Value Mint
King George 25c Value Used
King George R1 Value Mint
King George R1 Value Used
King George R5 Value Used
Peace Set of 2 Values Mint
Peace Set of 2 Values Used
Peace 20c Value Mint
Portrait Of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth Set of5c 2 Value Fine Mint
Portrait Of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth Set of 2 Values Fine Used
Stamps on Stamps Set of 4 Values Mint
Stamps on Stamps Set of 4 Values Used
Stamps on Stamps 5c Value Mint
Stamps on Stamps 5c Value Used
Stamps on Stamps 12c Value Mint
Stamps on Stamps 20c Value Mint
Stamps on Stamps 20c Value Used
U.P.U. Set of 4 Values Mint
U.P.U. Set of 4 Values Used
U.P.U. 12c Value Used
U.P.U. 20c Value Mint
U.P.U. 20c Value Used
U.P.U. 35c Value Used
Sugar Factory 1c Value Mint
Sugar Factory 1c Value Used
Tamarind Falls 4c Value Mint
Tamarind Falls 4c Value Used
The Dodo Bird 12c Value Mint
The Dodo Bird 12c Value Used
Pieter Both Mountain 50c Value Mint
Pieter Both Mountain 50c Value Used
Stamps of Mauritius
Issues 1937 - 1952
Number of items for sale in this section: 76