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Ceylon King George VI

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Showing products 1 to 96 of 128
Ceylon 1937 King George VI Coronation Set Fine Mint

King George VI and Queen Elizabeth Set of 3 Values Fine Mint

Ceylon 1937 King George VI Coronation Set Fine Used

King George VI and Queen Elizabeth Set of 3 Values Fine Used

Ceylon 1937 King George VI Coronation SG 383 Fine Mint

King George VI Coronation 6c Value Fine Mint

Ceylon 1937 King George VI Coronation SG 383 Fine Used

King George VI Coronation 6c Value Fine Used

Ceylon 1937 King George VI Coronation SG 384 Fine Mint

King George VI Coronation 9c Value Fine Mint

Ceylon 1937 King George VI Coronation  SG 384 Fine Used

King George VI Coronation 9c Value Fine Used

Ceylon 1938 King George VI SG 392a Temple of the Tooth Fine Used

King George VI Temple of the Tooth 25c Value Used

Ceylon 1938 King George VI SG 393a Ancient Irrigation Tank Fine Used

King George VI Irrigation Tank 30c Value Fine Used

Ceylon 1938 King George VI SG 394b Wild Elephants Fine Used

King George VI Elephants 50c Value Fine Used

Ceylon 1938 King George VI SG 394d Wild Elephants Fine Mint

King George VI Elephants 50c Value Fine Used

Ceylon 1938 King George VI SG 394e Wild Elephants Fine Mint

King George VI Elephants 50c Value Fine Mint

Ceylon 1938 King George VI SG 394e Wild Elephants Fine Used

King George VI Elephants 50c Value Fine Used

Ceylon 1938 King George VI SG 395a Trinconalee Fine Used

King George VI Trinconalee R1 Value Fine Used

Ceylon 1940 King George VI SG 399 Surcharged Fine Mint

King George VI 6c Surcharged Fine Mint

Ceylon 1946 King George VI Victory Set Fine Used

Victory Peace Set of 2 Values Fine Used

Ceylon 1949 SG 411 UPU Fine Used

Universal Postal Union 5c Value Fine Mint

Stamps of Ceylon

Issues  - 1937 - 1952

Number of items for sale in this section: 128