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Australia Stamps King George VI 1937-1952

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Showing products 1 to 96 of 116
Australia 1937 SG 167 King George Fine Mint

King George VI 2d. Value Fine Mint

Australia 1937 SG 168b King George Fine Mint

King George VI 3d. Value Good Mint Die I

Australia 1937 SG 168c Die 2 King George Fine Mint

King George VI 3d. Value Fine Mint Die 2

Australia 1937 SG 168b King George Fine Used

King George King George 3d. Value Fine Used

Australia 1937 SG 168c King George Fine Used

King George King George 3d. Value Fine Used

Australia 1937 SG 173 Platypus Fine Used

Platypus 9d. Value Fime Used

Australia 1937 SG 176 Queen in Robes Fine Used

Queen in Robes 5/- Value Fine Used

Australia 1937 SG 177 King in Robes Fine Used

King George VI in Coronation Robes 10/- ValueFine Used

Australia 1937 SG 1937 New South Wales Set Fine Mint

Foundation of New South Wales Set of 3 Values Fine Mint

Australia 1937 SG 1937 New South Wales Set Fine Used

Foundation of New South Wales Set of 3 Values Fine Used

Australia 1937 SG 1937 New South Wales SG 195 Fine Mint

Foundation of New South Wales 9d Value Mint

Australia 1938 SG 179 Wallaroe Fine Mint

Wallaroe 1/2d. Value Fine Mint

Australia 1938 SG 185 King George Fine Used

King George VI 2d. Value Fine Used

Australia 1938 SG 186 King George Fine Used

King George VI 3d Value Fine Used

Australia 1938 SG 187 King George Fine Mint

King George 3d. Value Fine Mint

Australia 1942 SG 206 Manley Kings Head Fine Mint

King George VI 2 1/2d. Value Fine Mint

Australia 1945 Gloucester SG 209 Fine Used

Duke and Duchess of Gloucester 2 1/2d Value Used

Australia 1945 Gloucester SG 210 Fine Used

Duke and Duchess of Gloucester 3 1/2d Value Used

Australia 1946 SG 217 Mitchell Fine Used

Mitchell  1/2d Value Fine Used

Australia 1948 SG 223a Hermes Fine Used

Hermes Airmail 1/6 Value Fine Used

Australia 1948  Hermes SG 224e Fine Used

Hermes Airmail 1/6 Value Fine Used

Australia 1948 SG 224 Aborigional Art Fine Mint

Aborigional Art 2/- Value Fine Mint

Australia 1948 SG 224 Aborigional Art Fine Used

Aborigional Art 2/- Value Fine Used

Australia 1948 SG 224e Hermes Fine Mint

Hermes Airmail 1/6 Value Fine Mint

Australia 1948 Pan Pacific Scout Jambore Fine Mint

Scout Jambore 2 1/2d. Value Fine Mint

Postage Stamps of Australia

Issues 1937 - 1952

Number of items for sale in this section: 116